Overview |
Introduction to Course
Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Safety and Human Subjects Issues, pt. 1 (PDF)
Notes on Human Subjects (PDF)
Functional Neural Systems |
2 |
Overview of Neural Systems (PDF)
Neural Signal Processing (PDF - 1.6 MB)
3 |
Visual System
Somatosensory and Motor Systems
How the Brain Processes Visual Information, Insights & Controversies from Neuroimaging Studies (Kanwisher & Haxby papers) |
4 |
Memory Systems
Attention, Motivation, Emotion
Imaging Physiology |
5 |
Overview of Imaging Physiology
Applied Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiology I |
Coupling Between Neural Activity and CBF Changes (Iadecola & Mintun papers) |
6 |
Applied Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiology II |
Impact of Physiological Noise on Analysis and Interpretation of fMRI Data |
7 |
Cerebrovascular Anatomy and Neural Regulation of CNS Blood Flow (PDF) |
8 |
Neurovascular Coupling
Global vs Regionally Specific Changes in CBF and Metabolism
Localization in fMRI Data Sets - Comparison with Other Types of Neuroscience Data (Veltman & Disbrow papers) |
Physics of Image Acquisition |
9 |
Overview of Structural and functional MRI Signal Acquisition |
10 |
The NMR Signal: Magnetization, Excitation, Detection, NMR Signal, SNR (PDF - 2.2 MB)
Monitoring the NMR Signal: NMR Measurements, T2*, T2, Gradients, Gradient-Echo, Spin-echo
MR Signal Detection, Phased Array Receiver Coils |
11 |
MRI: Spatially Encoding the NMR Signal Frequency, Slice and Phase Encoding, Spin Warp (PDF - 1.7 MB)
Basics of Fast MRI K-space, Fast Imaging, Distortions
Parallel Image Acquisition Strategies |
12 |
Review: Spatial Encoding, k-space
MonRI Contrasts: T1,T2,T2*, Diffusion
Physics of MR Image Acquisition: Review & MRI Contrast (PDF)
13 |
BOLD Contrast (part 1) Hemodynamic Response, Temporal, Spatial Resolution (PDF)
Improving fMRI Signal Detection Using Physiological Data
Temporal and Spatial Resolution (e.g. New Logothetis Articles in Neuron and Nature) |
14 |
BOLD Contrast (part 2) Physiological Noise, Field Strength (PDF)
Alternatives to BOLD Review of BOLD, Perfusion vs BOLD, Arterial Spin Labelling, Cerebral Blood Volume
Physics of MR Image Acquisition: Altervatives to BOLD for fMRI (PDF)
15 |
Physics of Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Physics and Clinical Applications of Perfusion Weighted Imaging
ASL (Wong Paper) |
16 |
Quantitative fMRI
17 |
Mid-term Exam |
Safety and Human Subjects Issues, pt. 2. Ethics Module |
Experiment Design |
18 |
General Principles of Experimental Design, pt. 1 |
Paradigm Design (Manoach and Stark) |
19 |
General Principles of Experimental Design, pt. 2
Psychological State Variables in Imaging
Statistical Analysis |
20 |
Overview of fMRI Statistical Analysis
Introduction to Univariate Analysis of fMRI Data - part 1
Probability Notes (PDF)
Statistics Notes (PDF)
Review of Principles of Statistical Inference |
21 |
Introduction to Univariate Analysis of fMRI Data - part 2 |
22 |
Multivariate Statistical Approaches to fMRI Data Analysis (PDF)
Group Analysis of fMRI Data
23 |
Building New Statistical Models for fMRI Data
24 |
Statistical Efficiency in fMRI Paradigm Design (PDF) |
Statistics Q'&'A |
Structural Analysis |
25 |
Surface Based Anatomical Analysis |
26 |
Spatial Normalization for Anatomic Analysis
Clinical and Basic Neuroscience Applications of Diffusion Tensor Imaging
What is Baseline (discussion of Squire paper) |
27 |
Final Exam |