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Problems based on class lectures, as well as supplementary problems, will be posted during the week of the lecture. You are expected to solve on your own problems which you hand in. Some collaboration among other students in the seminar is o.k. as long as you don't simply copy someone else's work. If you get completely stuck you can hand in solutions from another source, provided: (1) the solution is written up in your own words, (2) you understand the solution, and (3) you indicate on your paper the source of the solution.

Lecture 1: The Pigeonhole Principle

  • Pigeonhole Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #1: 1-12 (PDF)

Lecture 2: Probability

  • Probability Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #2: 13-24 (PDF)

Lecture 3: Congruences and Divisibility

  • Congruence and Divisibility Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #3: 25-35 (PDF)

Lecture 4: Recurrences

  • Recurrence Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #4: 36-45 (PDF)

Lecture 5: Generating Functions

  • Generating Function Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #5: 46-57 (PDF)

Lecture 6: Limits

  • Limit Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #6: 58-67 (PDF)

Lecture 7: Greatest Integer Function

  • Greatest Integer Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #7: 68-77 (PDF)

Lecture 8: Inequalities

  • Inequality Problems (Not currently available)
  • Supplementary Problems #8: 78-89 (PDF)

Lecture 9: Putnam Practice

  • Supplementary Problems #9: 90-99 (PDF)

Lecture 10: Hidden Independence

  • Hidden Independence Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #10: 100-108 (PDF)

Lecture 11: Putnam Practice

  • Supplementary Problems #11: 109-116 (PDF)
    (No other problems assigned)

Lecture 12: Roots of Polynomials

  • Roots of Polynomials Problems (PDF)
  • Supplementary Problems #12: 117-128 (PDF)

Lecture 13: A Problem Seminar by Donald J. Newman

  • Problems (Not currently available)