This calendar shows the weekly schedule for the course, which usually includes three lecture and group problem solving sessions per week. The readings for each week are from the course textbook, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Fourth Edition, by Kenneth H. Rosen, and the course notes. This calendar provides links to lecture slides, class problems, course notes, problem sets, quizzes and exams, and relevant links of interest. In addition to problem sets, reading problems, related to the reading assignments for the week, are completed by students using an online tutor. The online tutor is currently not available through this site. Instructors who are interested in obtaining online tutor materials can contact MIT OpenCourseWare with their requests.
Week 1
Topics: Course Overview, Basic Proof Methods, Propositional Logic
- Reading: Syllabus, Course Notes 1 (PDF), Rosen: 1.1-6, 2.3, 2.4 through Lemma 1, 3.1 through Example 26.
- Due this week: Problem Set 1 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 1 (Online Tutor)
- Wednesday (First day of class)
- Lecture Slides (PDF)
- Pythagorean links
- Pythagorean theorem on a tombstone.
- The Pythagorean doctrine and philosophy of numbers guided the conduct of the movement's members lives. Do you think the proof that the v 2 is irrational is trivial? Be sure to look for the story of Hippasus of Metapontium.
- The impact on mathematics of the Pythagoreans was a lot more than just a few triangles.
- Class Problems (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
- Friday
Week 2
Topics: Quantifiers, Induction, Strong Induction
- Reading: Course Notes 2 (PDF); Rosen: 3.2, 3.3 through Example 6.
- Due this week: Problem Set 2 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 2 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
- Lecture Slides (PDF - 1.0 MB)
- Class Problems (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
Week 3
Topics: Relations
- Reading: Course Notes 3 (PDF); Rosen: 6.1, 6.3-6.6 (ignore Warshall's algorithm and lattices).
- Due this week: Problem Set 3 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 3 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
- Lecture Slides (PDF - 1.5 MB)
- Class Problems (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
Week 4
Topics: Graphs
- Reading: Course Notes 4 (PDF); Supplementary (optional) Rosen: 7.1-7.4, 7.8, 8.1.
- Due this week: Problem Set 4 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 4 (Online Tutor)
- Wednesday
- Lecture Slides (PDF - 1.3 MB)
- Class Problems (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
- Friday
- The Four Color Theorem history and proof.
- The Oracle of Bacon at Virginia. Can you find an actor with a Bacon number higher than 4?
Week 5
Topics: State Machines, Invariants and Termination
- Reading: Course Notes 5 (PDF - 1.0 MB)
- Due this week: Problem Set 5 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 5 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Lecture Slides (PDF - 1.7 MB)
- Class Problems (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
- Friday
Week 6
Topics: Recursive Definitions and Structural Induction
- Reading: Course Notes 6 (PDF); Optional: Rosen 3.3
- No Reading Problems.
- Monday
- Friday
Week 7
Topics: Sums and Series, Products, Stirling's Formula, Asymptotics
- Reading: Course Notes 7 (PDF); Optional: Rosen 1.7-8; a one-page derivation of Stirling's Formula (Romik, D. "Stirling's Approximation for n!: the Ultimate Short Proof?," American Mathematical Monthly, 107 (2000), 556-557.)
- Due this week: Problem Set 6-7 (PDF) , Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 7 (Online Tutor)
- Notes on PS6-7, Problem 1:
- glb ::= "greatest-lower-bound'' and lub ::= "least-upper-bound'', cf. Rosen, p. 423.
- An example payoff tree and its max-value: (PDF)
- Notes on PS6-7, Problem 1:
- Wednesday
- Lecture Slides (PDF - 1.0 MB)
- Class Problems (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
- Friday
Week 8
Topics: Counting by Matching, Pigeonhole, Sum and Product Rules, Inclusion/Exclusion, Permutations
- Reading: Course Notes 8 (PDF); Optional: Rosen 4.1-2
- Due this week: Problem Set 8 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 8 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
Week 9
Topics: Division Rule, Combinations, Counting with Repetitions
- Reading: Course Notes 9 (A section on the Magic Trick has been added) (PDF - 1.1 MB); Optional: Rosen 4.3, 4.6
- Due this week: Problem Set 9 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 9 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Lecture Slides (PDF - 2.2 MB)
- Class Problems (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
- Wednesday
- Friday
Week 10
Topics: Introduction to Probability, Conditional Probability, Independence
- Reading:
- For Reading Problems and Wed-Fri Lectures: Complete Course Notes 10 (PDF - 1.4 MB); Optional: Rosen 4.4, and 4.5 through Example 9, p. 274.
- For Problem Set 10 (PDF) and Quiz 2 only part of the reading is necessary: Course Notes 10, sections 1--9 (PDF - 1.4 MB); Optional: Rosen 4.4, and 4.5 through Example 4, p.271.
- Due this week: a short Problem Set 10 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 10 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
Week 11
Topics: Introduction to Random Variables: Distributions
- Quiz 2 (PDF), Appendix (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
- Reading For Friday Lecture: Course Notes 11-12 (PDF - 1.4 MB), Sections 1--4.
- No Reading Problems.
- Friday
Week 12
Topics: Random Variables: Expectation
- Reading: Course Notes 11-12 (PDF - 1.4 MB); Optional: Rosen 4.5 thru Example 18.
- Due this week: Problem Set 11-12, (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 11-12 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Lecture Slides (PDF - 2.1 MB)
- Class Problems (PDF), Solutions (PDF)
- Wednesday
- Friday
Week 13
Topics: Variance, Deviation from the Mean, Weak Law of Large Numbers
- Reading: Course Notes 13-14 (PDF - 1.6 MB), Sections 1--6.2
- Due this week: Problem Set 13-14 (PDF), Solutions (PDF), Reading Problems 13 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Wednesday
Week 14
Topics: Weak Law of Large Numbers, Sampling, Confidence, Random Walks, Chernoff Bound
- Reading: Course Notes 13-14 (PDF - 1.6 MB), Sections 6.3--18
- Due this week: Reading Problems 14 (Online Tutor)
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
Week 15
Topics: Central Limit Theorem, Poisson Distribution, Strong Law of Large Numbers
- Reading: Lecture Notes 15 (PDF)
- Monday
- Wednesday
Week 16
Final Exam